It’s proven that those who workout and train in groups have better success rates and stick with it longer because it becomes part of their lifestyles. Eastwind makes training easy and fun with numerous membership benefits, such as:
- Regularly scheduled group runs
- Discounts at various retail locations
- Discounts off multiple local events including Boring Marathon, Lilac Run, Get Bold Sports, Good Sports Promotions, and Why Racing Events
- Share the excitement of race day with teammates as you cross the finish line!
- Shirts, hats and other merchandise available in our store HERE
- Therapeutic Associates of Gresham Physical Therapy is offering a 50% discount on a Running Assessment and Form Program provided by John Parr and Chloe Halliburton.
- Tuesday Night Pub Runs
- Summer Running Series: Wednesday night runs of various distances on local routes
- Club Socials
- Biking and Swimming events along with other performance enhancing group activities led by club representatives
- Facebook pages designed to communicate events, individual performances, race reports, community announcements etc.
How to Sign Up
Yearly membership dues are just $20 and our student membership is only $15. Click here to become a paid member or renew your previous membership. We look forward to seeing you out at our next event!